
Phase 1: Foundation

  • Launch our bot with BINANCE integration.

  • Launch our token.

  • Establish a robust and secure trading infrastructure.

  • Implement favorable fees and enhanced limits for token holders.

Phase 2: Expansion

  • Add new exchanges to our bot.

  • Develop and launch a user-friendly webapp platform.

  • Introduce diverse token trading pairs.

  • Initiate a referral system for user growth.

Phase 3: Consolidation

  • Enhance bot security and infrastructure.

  • Implement futures trading on CEX.

  • Get listed on recognized cryptocurrency analysis platforms.

  • Establish a feedback mechanism for ongoing improvement.

Phase 4: Domination

  • Introduce revenue sharing for token holders.

  • Secure listings on prominent Centralized Exchanges (CEX).

  • Launch rewarding trade competitions.

  • Expand global market presence and user base.

Last updated